Universal Liquid Restaking

Dunes is a liquid restaking protocol that operates on Karak Network, designed to enhance capital efficiency for users who deposit their assets into Karak. Here’s a summarized overview of Dunes’ core features and functionalities:

Dunes universal restaking offering is built upon two pillars: Karak Network and Dunes-issued LRTs

Concept and Purpose

Dunes utilizes the robust framework of Karak to allow for more flexible and efficient usage of staked assets. By integrating with Karak, Dunes provides an additional layer of utility by issuing liquid restaking tokens (LRTs), such as dETH and dUSD, against these deposits.

Key Features

  • Integration with Karak: Dunes builds directly on the Karak infrastructure, leveraging its universal restaking capabilities to enhance the liquidity and usability of a multitude of assets.

  • Issuance of LRTs: Dunes issues its own liquid restaking tokens, such as dETH and dUSD, which represent the staked assets on Karak. This mechanism allows users to maintain liquidity and engage in other financial activities while their original assets are staked.

How It Works

When users stake their assets on Karak through the Dunes protocol, they mint dETH or dUSD in return, depending on the nature of the asset restaked.

These LRTs are pegged to the value of the underlying staked assets but provide additional liquidity to the holder, enabling them to use these tokens for further investment, trading, or as collateral in other DeFi protocols.


  • Enhanced Liquidity: By minting LRTs like dETH and dUSD, Dunes allows users to unlock the liquidity of their staked assets, enabling them to participate in other DeFi protocols without having to unstake or withdraw.

  • Capital Efficiency: The ability to use dETH and dUSD in various DeFi applications increases the capital efficiency for users, as they can leverage these tokens to generate further returns while still benefiting from the security and rewards of Karak as well as the underlying protocol.

  • Seamless Integration: Operating on Karak, Dunes benefits from the established security and network effects of the Karak platform, simplifying the process for users and developers alike.

Ecosystem Role

Dunes acts as a bridge between the restaking and DeFi ecosystems, allowing staked capital to be freely reused rather than remaining locked.

This integration not only benefits individual users but also enriches the broader blockchain and DeFi landscape by increasing the overall liquidity and functional utility of restaked assets.

For an in-depth overview of Karak network refer to:

pageKarak Network

For more information about dETH and dUSD refer to:

pagedETH TokenpagedUSD Token

Last updated