Risks & Disclaimer

Dunes is developed by a professional team including veterans of EVM development with project experiences on Ethereum dating back to 2015.

Nonetheless all users must be aware that there exist potential risks when restaking using Liquid Restaking Protocols, above all these are:

  • Smart contract security risks: As with all smart contracts, there is an ever-present chance of sophisticated malicious users and hackers exploiting unforeseen vulnerabilities or bugs in the contracts that may lead to loss of funds.

  • Oracle systems failure: Dunes relies on multiple Oracles providers to minimize exactly this risk, however this cannot be entirely nullified with present Oracle solutions.

  • Depegging by upstream hacks: Dunes accepts a wide array of supported assets used to mint its dETH and dUSD tokens, while all due diligence is exercised, the Dunes team cannot guarantee that these protocols and tokens will never be exploited. In this scenario, the dETH and dUSD tokens may significantly depeg from their expected values.

  • Depegging by other causes: The Dunes team cannot guarantee that its dETH and dUSD token will never significantly de-peg from their expected values based on factors unforeseen at the time of development or from a combination of rare occurances one of which has been described in the previous point.

Last updated