Dunes Spices & Karak XPs

Both Dunes and Karak are projects that believe in rewarding their communities fairly. To keep track of community contributions.

To do so, Dunes and Karak have each introduced a points-based reward system, respectively named Spices and XPs.

Learn more on how you can be eligible to collect both 👇

Dunes Spices

Spices are Dunes' reward program and the main criteria according to which users contributions are calculated, up to the launch of the DUNE token.

All accepted deposits on Dunes.fi earn a specific amount (multiplier) of Spices as well as the native amount of Karak XPs.

Spices are snapshotted at the end of each day and will be reflected in the official UI within the next 24 hours.

Dunes deposits are the only way to earn both Dunes Spices as well as Karak XP points at the same time

Karak XPs

Karak XP Program is a special reward program where users can earn Karak XPs in exchange for restaking assets and referring others to restake their assets on Karak Network.

Karak deposits do not and will never earn any Spices on Dunes

Last updated